
  • Pricing

X-Cart Module 3.5.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x

This credit card processing module will work with: X-Cart 3.5.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x

First, download the Zip file at the bottom of this page. Then, follow the step by step instructions to activate PayJunction as a payment gateway.

Installation Instructions:

  1. You need to copy "cc_pj.php" into "/payment/" dir
  2. You need to copy "cc_pj.tpl" into "/skin1/payment/" dir
  3. You need to apply following query:
INSERT INTO xcart_ccprocessors SET module_name='PayJunction', type='C', processor='cc_pj.php', template='cc_pj.tpl', disable_ccinfo='N', background='Y', testmode='N';4.1. You can do it in admin area. "Patch/Upgrade" menu. Last section "Apply SQL queries" (just put the query to a textarea, and push a "apply" button)5. You need to define following language variables:* lbl_cc_pj_u = Username* lbl_cc_pj_p = Password* lbl_cc_pj_t = Transaction type5.1. You can do it in admin area. "Language" menu.6. That's all. PayJunction payment system is available in the payment gateways list. Just add it to the payment methods list, configure and use...

PayJunction does not represent or warrant that this code is fit for any particular use, or that it will function properly.  By viewing, editing, or, using this code, you are responsible for any and all implementations you may or may not use of this code.  Use at your own risk.

Download the X-Cart Module here: