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How long are funds guaranteed for, how long can I keep a transaction on hold?

How long are funds guaranteed?

To ensure protection against chargebacks, PayJunction only guarantees authorizations for 6 days. On the 7th day, PayJunction will automatically void any transactions that remain on hold.

Funds for transactions that are processed as an Authorization (aka "Hold") will be guaranteed for a particular amount of time. Ultimately, it is entirely up to the card-issuing bank as to how long they will guarantee that funds will be available for that transaction. Typically, the following rules apply, but it is ultimately up to each card-issuing bank:

Debit and Credit Cards

To ensure protection against chargebacks, PayJunction only guarantees authorizations for 6 days. On the 7th day, PayJunction will automatically void any transactions that remain on hold.

If a transaction is automatically voided on the 7th day, it is best to re-charge the transaction (i.e. re-process as a hold) in order to obtain a new authorization for another 6 days.

How do I Capture or Void the transaction?

When a transaction is archived in your History as a Hold, you will need to manually update it to a Capture in order to be paid for that transaction.

How do I change a transaction from HOLD to CAPTURE?