
  • Pricing

How do I schedule a recurring transaction to run on a specific date of the month (for example, the 15th of every month)?

  1. Click Recurring, in the left-side menu.

  2. Then click New Recurring.

  3. Enter Amount.
  4. Set Bill Every to 1, then select Month(s).

  5. Set the Start Date to the date that begins the recurring schedule; this will be the date each month that the recurring transaction will process.
  6. Set End After to set the number of successful recurring charges to mark completion of the recurring schedule.
  7. Fill out any other required fields (and optional fields if you like).
  8. Scroll to the bottom and click Process Recurring.

You might receive an error if the card is declined, or if you did not fill out the form correctly.  Correct any errors or obtain a different credit card from you customer if the transaction was declined.  Our system will either: a) run the full transaction amount if the schedule starts today, or b) run a $1.00 test transaction to ensure the card is valid if the schedule starts in the future (the test transaction will automatically "drop off" the customers card).  Click Process after resolving any errors on the form.

Upon a successful transaction, you will see a green status denoting the schedule is active.

If you designed your schedule to start today, you will see a confirmation of the first transaction at the bottom of the recurring transaction details page.

Your future schedule transactions will automatically run at approximately 6am local time; these transactions will automatically settle the same day at 8pm local time (unless you have changed your automatic settlement settings and time).

Transactions take 2 to 3 business days to transfer into your checking account.