
  • Pricing

How to calculate the surcharge amount that was collected

This support article is only applicable to PayJunction accounts that are approved and enabled with the ability to apply a Surcharge on credit card transactions.

As a reminder, PayJunction determines if a surcharge can be applied to a transaction. For instance, a surcharge is not applied to debit cards, so some transactions will have a surcharge while others will not.

Calculating the amount of surcharge that was collected allows a business to determine how much of their monthly processing fee was offset by the amount of surcharge fees that were collected during a specified time period.

There's two ways to calculate and view the total amount that was collected for Surcharge for a specific time period.


This report works well for those that want to see a break down per Batch (i.e. per deposit).

  1. Go to Batches
    batches icon.png
  2. Click on the eyeball for the specific Batch that you want to view.
    Select a Batch.png
  3. The top section of the page displays a report. Click the arrows to navigate to the Surcharge report.
    surcharge amount batch.png
    Net Pre-Surcharge: The amount that was approved, without surcharge.
    Net Surcharge: The amount of Surcharge that was collected.
    Net Processing: The combined, Grand Total amount.

Search and Export

This report works well for those that want to see a break down for a specific time range. For example, Last Month, Last Week, etc.

  1. Go to Search
    Seach button.png
  2. Select a Date Range, then click the Search button at the bottom of the page.
    date and search.png
  3. Click the CSV icon to export (download) the data to your computer.
    csv button.png
  4. Open the file in a spreadsheet.
  5. Use a formula to calculate the total amount of surcharge that was collected.

    Surcharge amounts are listed in column BW, at the far-right side of the spreadsheet.

    For example, the following formula will calculate the total amount of surcharge (column BW) for all rows between row 2 and row 4. Simply update the number of rows from 4 to however many rows of data you have.

    Export Sum Surcharge.png

    sum total.png