
  • Pricing

How do I create my first Hosted Payment Shop?

While logged into your PayJunction account as an administrator, start with these steps:

  1. Select MoreHosted Payments from the left side menu:
  2. Click or tap the New Shop button in the top right corner of this page
If you are creating your first Shop as a step to integrate your PayJunction account with a third party application, refer to the specific setup guide for your software when filling out this form.

At minimum, we must make up and enter a new Shop Name. This name must be unique in the PayJunction system, or you will receive an error. Shop names must be at least 7 characters and can use letters, numbers, underscores ( _ ) and hypens ( - ). Shop names are case-sensitive.

When creating a Hosted Payments Shop name, keep these tips in mind:
  • Avoid common words and terms by themselves such as "payment", "Website", "doctors", etc. Consider appending or prepending the business name or acronym to increase the uniqueness of the name.
  • Shop names are case-sensitive, meaning that "PJ-HP-01" would not be the same as "Pj-hp-01". This is why you should...
  • Always copy and paste the Shop name when saving it into the configuration for a third party application. If you will be using this Shop for a payment button on your website, consider using the Button Generator to create the HTML and set the name for you.

When you've made up and entered your new shop name, you can save it now if you do not need to make additional changes, or refer to the guides below for more options.

Next Steps

Please see the following guides to complete your setup based on your needs for the service:

Not finding what you're looking for?
Consider emailing support@payjunction.com or calling our help desk at 1-800-601-0230 x 3 for further assistance.