A Special Note Regarding AVS and CVV Declines
PayJunction allows merchants to override address (AVS) and security code (CVV) mismatches when the bank provides an approval code. Doing so will not update the payment status in WooCommerce. If a transaction is forced to approve from the PayJunction Virtual Terminal, the payment must be manually marked as complete in the order details in WooCommerce.
The WooCommerce plugin allow your WordPress shopping cart to accept payments with PayJunction.
Supported WooCommerce Features
- Run refunds directly in WooCommerce
- Quickly get to the transaction Details page in PayJunction by clicking the Transaction ID saved in the WooCommerce order details page.
- Note: The transaction details link will point to payjunction.com or payjunctionlabs.com depending on the current Test Mode setting, not the mode at the time the order was created.
WooCommerce Version Notes:This plugin has been tested with:
But it it should work fine with any version of WordPress and WooCommerce. If the plugin stops working after any updates to WordPress or WooCommerce, please remove and reinstall the module.
- WordPress version: 6.2
- WooCommerce version: 7.5.1
- PHP 8.0
- Classic Checkout (not compatible with "Block" checkout)
Plugin Version Notes:Back in 2015 PayJunction released a WooCommerce plugin that didn't use the Hosted Payment page. If you are still using the 2015 Plugin we strongly recommend that you update to that newer version that uses Hosted Payment and has built in CAPTCHA protection.
Installation & Setup
- Download the latest release as a zip file from Here.
- On a working WordPress site with WooCommerce, log into the administration interface, e.g. https://<your_wordpress_site_domain>/wp-admin
- In the WordPress admin, go to Plugins > Add New
- Click the Upload Plugin button at the top left of this page
- Select the zip file from step 1 and then click Install Now
- If the plugin installs without errors, continue by clicking the Activate link
- Continue to Testing/Development Settings or Production Settings below for further instructions
Testing/Development Settings
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings from the wp admin menu
- Select the Payments tab
- Disable the previous PayJunction plugin: PayJunction REST
- Just below the tabs at the top of the page click the PayJunction Hosted Payments link
- Make sure the following settings are enabled or filled in:
- Enable
- Enable Test Mode
- Optional Enable Debugging Mode
SANDBOX Hosted Payments Shop Name
- Optional Replace the default shop name with a self-created shop for PayJunctionLabs.com
- Optional Replace the default login with a self-created API login for PayJunctionLabs.com
- Optional Replace the default password with a self-created API password for PayJunctionLabs.com
Production Settings
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings from the wp admin menu
- Click the Checkout tab
- Just below the tabs at the top of the page click the PayJunction Hosted Payments link
- Make sure the following settings are enabled or filled in:
- Enable
- UNCHECK Enable Test Mode if it is currently checked.
- Optional Enable Debugging Mode. This is only recommended for troubleshooting.\
- Production Hosted Payments Shop Name
- Production API LoginProduction API Password
Click Save changes at the bottom of the page if any updates were made after following the steps above.
Settings Details
Includes the PayJunction module in the list of payment options presented to the customer at checkout.
Enable Test Mode
While enabled, all transactions will be sent to our demonstration site at https://www.payjunctionlabs.com. For instructions on how to log into the site to see your test transactions, please see this guide: PayJunction Demo Account
For security reasons, when testing transactions on payjunctionlabs.com, only the Visa test card information is actually saved. Therefore, whatever the actual card info submitted in the test was, we will always respond and display info as if you had sent the Visa test card information instead.
Enable Debugging Mode
Enabling this option causes extra information to be logged in a payjunctionDebug.log file in the root directory of the WordPress install.
Production Hosted Payments Shop Name
* Required for Production use
Please see our guide here for help with obtaining your Shop name or to create a new Shop for WooCommerce.
Once the Hosted Page Store has been created, hover the mouse over the Eye icon, and select Shop Settings:
In the Security section > CAPTCHA VERIFICATION, select On After Decline on the dropdown menu:
Click on SAVES CHANGES at the bottom of the screen.
SANDBOX Hosted Payments Shop Name
* Required for testing on the PayJunctionLabs.com sandbox domain
Sets the Shop Name to use when Test Mode is enabled.
Production API Login
* Required for Production use
Please see our guide here for instructions on creating or updating your API credentials.
Production API Password
* Required for Production use
Please see our guide here for instructions on creating or updating your API credentials.
* Required for testing on the PayJunctionLabs.com sandbox domain
* Required for testing on the PayJunctionLabs.com sandbox domain
PayJunction Description for Hosted Payments
Sets the description for the payment after the user is redirected to the secure checkout page. Use %oi to insert the WC order id.
Payment Option Title
Sets the title of the payment option for the customer on the checkout screen.
Custom Error Message
Sets a custom error message on unrecoverable errors when trying to redirect to the secure checkout or when validating the payment details with PayJunction.
Simple Amounts
In the even that a third-party plugin causes issues with setting the correct amount you can enable this option to only fetch the total amount for the order and not attempt to break down the tax and shipping.
Hosted Payments Shop Fields
Since WooCommerce collects the billing and shipping information for us we do not need to display these fields on the Hosted Payments checkout screen. To turn these fields off from your PayJunction account, follow these steps:
- Go to More > Hosted Payments
- Hover your mouse over the "eye" icon to the left of the Shop Name
- Click Shop Fields
- For each section (Transaction Fields, Billing Contact Fields, and Shipping Contact Fields) use the Hide All link
- Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen