Step-By-Step Instructions
PayJunction allows you to narrow your searches by a variety of factors including: name, amount, card type, charge or refund type, date ranges, last 4 digits of a card, and more.
To locate a transaction:
- Click on the Search button on the left of the page.
- Fill out any fields you want to search by. Filling out all fields is NOT required.
- Click the green Search button at the bottom. If no results are found, then revise your search.
- Hover over the eyeball icon to the left of the transaction you are searching for, and click on View Transaction.
- The transaction details will be displayed.
- When viewing transaction details, you may be presented with the options to edit, recharge, refund, hold, or void a transaction (and more).
Description of Available Fields
Company | Search by business name. |
First Name | Search by customer first names. |
Last Name | Search by customer last names. |
Customer ID | Search by customer ID’s assigned by your company to your customers (if specified). |
Invoice or PO | Search by transaction Invoice or Purchase Order number (if specified). |
Amount | Search by specific transaction amounts. |
Payment Type | Search by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Checking or Savings. |
Action | Search for Charges, Refunds, or Authorizations (temporary holds). |
Sub Action | Search for charges or authorizations that have been forced (i.e. transactions with force codes). |
State | Search for transactions that are Approved, Declined, or Pending. |
Posture | Search for transactions that are set to Capture, Hold, or Void. |
Last 4 Digits | Search by the last 4 digits of the credit card number or account number. |
Approval Code | Search by the six-digit approval code given to approved charges. |
Transaction ID | Search by the PayJunction specific transaction ID assigned to a transaction. |
From | The begging time frame to restrict your search to (for example, search for transactions processed on or after January 1st, 2010). |
To | The ending time frame to restrict your search to (for example, search for transactions processed on or before Janury 1st, 2010). |
Terminal | Search by the account (or terminal) that the transaction was processed on. |
User | Search for transactions processed by a specific user. |
Service | Search for transactions processed by a particular Trinity System service: Virtual Terminal for orders processed while directly logged into PayJunction, QuickShop for web orders, QuickLink for e-Commerce or custome application orders, EasySwipe for wireless smart phone transactions, Phone Charge for orders processed by touch tone telephone / cell phone, and Recurring for transactions processed by PayJunction’s automated scheduling system. |